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Understanding the Needs of LGBTQ+ Elders Webinar
Wednesday, February 14, 2024, 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM CDT
Category: Education Trainings

Registration Information
Faculty Biographies
Continuing Education

LeadingAge Iowa is partnering with LeadingAge Pennsylvania to offer this opportunity.  During this webinar, we will hear from advocates from SAGE, one of the nation’s oldest and largest organizations dedicated to meeting the needs of LGBTQ+ elders. The panelists will discuss the history and challenges facing LGBTQ+ elders, the role of advocacy in improving access to safe and affirming care, and the steps organizations can take to better reach out to and meet the needs of the community through their services. 

The vast majority of LGBTQ+ older adults have lived through decades of discrimination. This has led to a disruption in their lives, their connections with their families of origin, their lifetime earnings, and their opportunities to save for retirement. LGBTQ+ elders face higher rates of poverty and social isolation, and poorer health outcomes than their non-LGBTQ+ peers, but research suggests that they are less likely to access aging network services and providers, senior centers, meal programs, and other entitlement programs because they fear discrimination or harassment if their sexual orientations or gender identities become known. A lifetime of experiencing discrimination has made many LGBTQ+ elders wary of contacting health care professionals and aging service providers. 

Aging service providers need to be aware of the history and life experiences that have shaped the lives of LGBTQ+ elders to understand how to best meet their needs. The special challenges facing this community must be kept in mind and adequately addressed when designing and providing services for older adults.

Who Should Attend
Operations, administrators, nurse leaders, C-suite, directors, admissions, social workers and other interdisciplinary team members. Appropriate for all provider types including nursing home, assisted living, and independent living (content may be appropriate for home and community-based services and adult day services as well).

Event Schedule
February 14, 2024 I 12–1 p.m. CT

Click here for a printer friendly PDF of the event.

Register Now
For questions contact:   Dawn Balder
[email protected]