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Developing people skills, reducing loneliness, and creating a community of belonging.

Our Kind Dining® 9-module eLearning training series is evidence-based, values-driven, and promotes equity in your community.  It offers immediate skill-building to develop staff personal, interpersonal, and technical skills beginning in the dining room, to create relationship success in senior living community settings for all–service members, health care professionals, and administrative leaders.

The series delivers training in an online, on-demand format. Each module varies in length depending on the topic, features an expert instructor, and it takes 8 hours to complete all 9 sessions. Learners just need a computer with speakers and internet access.

All participants learn foundational methods that will prepare them for professional roles and leadership. This unique training curriculum specifically focuses on raising service standards and teaches our unique principles of hospitality, service with kindness, dignity, courtesy, civil communication, and team skills, and how to ethically manage in the dining environment, including for those new to the workforce and unsure of their role. We begin with the Foundation of Service-Modules 1-3, move into the Nuts and Bolts of Service-Modules 4-6, and finish with Polishing Service Modules 7-9.

We are committed to helping you keep your food servers and your newly hired employees, as an educated, invested team, who together,  helps you create a community of belonging.

This course offers 11 Continuing Professional Education Units (CPEUs) for Registered Dietitians, Dietetic Technicians Registered and Certified Dietary Managers. It also can be purchased without CPEUs.

See the full description of each of the nine modules here.

Registration Information
The price with 11 CPEUs is $131.95 for the full 9-module series
The price without CPEUs is $115 for the full 9-module series

Who Should Attend
Our suggestion is that 50% of staff from all departments who serve meals or pour beverages on a recurring basis, part-time, full-time, or on an emergency basis attend. RDNs, NDTRs, CDMs and Dietary Managers, Chefs, Foodservice staff, Life Enrichment staff, Nursing/Caregiving staff, Housekeeping staff, Human Resources Staff, Marketing Staff, Environment staff, Executive Team, any position that has direct contact with residents or their family members, as well as New Hires. It's ideal as part of the Onboarding process for people who have never served meals before in Senior Living Communities for all levels of care.

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