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Medicaid Elderly Waiver – What it Means Now
Adult Day; AL; HCBS

This session will review the basics for HCBS Elderly Waiver. Areas of focus will include how to move someone in or transition a tenant from private pay to Elderly Waiver, how to break up the fee structure, program requirements, service documentation, and helpful hints to better assist Medicaid tenants. 

  • Review services included under the Medicaid Elderly Waiver, including emergency pendant, home delivered meals, assisted living service, and consumer directed attendant care.
  • Develop a process for Medicaid Elderly Waiver care plan and determining services to be billed.
  • Discuss documentation of services and review tenant rights restrictions.
  • Outline strategies to prepare for HCBS review.

Stacy Hejda, Vice President Regulatory Compliance, Assisted Living Partners, Cedar Rapids
Stacy Hejda is co-owner and consultant with Assisted Living Partners. She provides consulting services to assisted living facilities focusing on program development and regulatory compliance monitoring as well as elderly waiver and HUD rental assistance programs. Hejda has more than 20 years’ experience working with assisted living programs in Iowa.
