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COVID-19 & Engagement – How to Win the War with Wellness

The pandemic has a profound impact on older adults as the safety measures designed to protect their physical health had significant psychosocial repercussions due to social isolation. Join Bailie Hillman to gain insight on how to overcome the impact COVID-19 has had on activity engagement in all aging services settings, including ideas to support people with dementia. She will share her best tips and tricks with a passion and energy that’s contagious!

  • Examine the impact that COVID-19 has had on the psychosocial well-being of older adults. 
  • Identify creative strategies to engage older adults through activities and wellness despite the COVID-19 limitations. 
  • Explore powerful therapeutic approaches and programs to support persons with dementia, their families, and members of their caregiving teams. 

Bailie Hillman, OT, LNHA, Certified Dementia Practitioner and Trainer, Consultant, TX
Inspiring and creative, Bailie Hillman is truly making a difference in the lives of health care professionals and persons with dementia through her personal passion and hands-on work in various health care settings. Hillman is a tireless advocate for those working and living in senior care. She is living out her personal mission to help families and professionals better understand how to create an environment that builds on individuals’ strengths and abilities, thereby allowing them to live their life to the fullest. On a day-to-day basis, Hillman is putting into place new, powerful and cutting-edge therapeutic approaches and programs that are changing the lives of persons with dementia, their families, and members of their caregiving teams. Hillman received her master’s degree in occupational therapy from Texas Woman’s University. She is a licensed nursing home administrator, a certified dementia practitioner, and certified Alzheimer’s disease and dementia care trainer through NCCDP. She lives in Texas with her husband, son, two basset hounds, and 9 hens. She enjoys spending time fishing at the lake, gardening, and sitting around the fire pit in the evenings.
