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Continuing Education

This is the first part of the seven-part virtual management training series. You have the option to register for this single webinar or you can register for the entire seven-part webinar series by clicking here for the best value.

January 16, 2024 at 11 a.m.-12 p.m.: Employee Engagement
How to increase team member commitment and enthusiasm.
Many organizations seek to retain employees by continually adding perks. But according to Gallup Research, 70% of an employee’s engagement is determined by their relationship with their direct supervisor. This session focuses on how a manager can increase employee enthusiasm, commitment, and enthusiasm.

  • Recall the key difference between positional authority and influential leadership.
  • Determine the role of the direct supervisor in employee engagement.
  • Discover the key difference between employee satisfaction and employee engagement.
  • Identify 7 practical, no-cost ways to regularly engage employees.

Who Should Attend
Anyone that manages people or that is preparing to manage people in the near future can benefit from this series.

Click here for a printer friendly PDF of the event.

For questions contact:   Dawn Balder
[email protected]