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Shaping Culture Influenced by Leaders’ Personalities

During the eight years of serving as CEO of Friendship Haven (FH), Julie will share how she has grown as a leader, acknowledged her strengths and weaknesses along with her personality, and reveal how that has influenced the overall culture of FH. She will share both the positive and negative impact this has had on the community and share stories as identified through team members, former team members, residents, and families about when culture has been tested. This session will take a very personal look at leadership development and growth of one LeadingAge Iowa organization. We will discuss lessons learned, share struggles, and celebrate victories together. A part of this session will be dedicated to live discussion.

  • Describe and identify tools for identifying one’s strengths and weaknesses.
  • Connect the development of one’s leadership strengths to the culture of the organization.
  • Practice and demonstrate how others may work to infuse their own strengths/weaknesses and personality to impact their organization's culture.

Julie Thorson, President/CEO, Friendship Haven, Fort Dodge
Julie Thorson is the current president and CEO of Friendship Haven and has served Friendship Haven in this capacity since 2012. She is currently a coach for the National LeadingAge Leadership Academy and serves LeadingAge Iowa as a co-facilitator for the LeadingAge Iowa Leadership Academy. In 2018 Thorson was selected for LeadingAge's Dr. Herbert Shore Outstanding Mentor Award.
