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Breakout Session 303: Community Based Childcare Solutions
Childcare is not just a family issue; it encompasses business success and community growth. It is an under-emphasized tool for our state to develop, grow, and sustain a reliable workforce and increase worker retention. Childcare is a core economic issue and essential workforce support. Without it, there will be no economic recovery for Iowa's families, businesses, or communities. Learn strategies to develop childcare solutions for your community.
- Examine potential solutions that would help bring new members to your workforce, engage your current workforce, and prepare future workers.
- Identify what other communities across Iowa are doing to invest in childcare for their community.
- Discuss why Iowa is in this childcare crisis.
Sheri Penney, Employer Engagement Director, Iowa Women's Foundation, Coralville A proud Iowa native, Sheri Penney was raised in Williamsburg and currently resides in Osage. She earned a BA in Elementary Education from the University of Iowa and most recently served as the Economic Development Director for Mitchell County—where she was working to increase access to quality affordable childcare. Sheri is known in her networks as a collaborator, connector and visionary who does not shy away from a challenge. As IWF’s Employment Engagement Director, she enjoys working with more than 160 businesses of all sizes to find childcare solutions that benefit everyone and strengthen the community. She continues to work across the state helping more than 60 communities find sustainable childcare solutions to keep childcare available in their communities. Sheri serves as president of the Osage Rotary. She is a member of PDI and attended the Heartland Economic Development Course.