Summary of QSO-22-09-All 

QSO-22-09-ALL is intended for all providers that are included in the IFR for the vaccine mandate, however, there are separate attachments specific to each entity type. Attachment A is for LTC providers, which is what this summary will focus on.  To see additional Attachments for the different provider types, click hereThe IFR for LTC providers will be cited under F888. 

Policies and Procedures:  

LAI developed a template policy and procedure to assist members with implementation, which was revised on January 18 to reflect QSO-22-09-ALL.  LAI also has created a sample medical exemption form, and providers can access a sample EEOC religious exemption form 

The provider is responsible for developing a policy and procedure that will ensure the following components are addressed.  The policy and procedure must be developed and implemented by February 14, 2022. All of the following elements must be included in the policy and procedure.  

As discussed with the IFR, staff includes: 

  • Employees 
  • Licensed Practitioners 
  • Students, Trainees, Volunteers 
  • Individuals who provide care, treatment, or other services for the facility and/or its residents under contract or other arrangement.  

Staff does not include 

  • Those who exclusively provide telehealth or telemedicine services outside of the facility setting and who do not have any direct contact with residents and other staff.  
  • Staff who provide support services for the facility that are performed exclusively outside of the facility setting and do not have any direct contact with residents and other staff.  

Vaccination Status:  

Within 30-days of issuance of the QSO, on February 13, 2022, 100% of staff must: 
  • Have received at least the first dose of a two-dose series or the single dose of the J&J vaccine.  
  • Requested (or granted) a medical or religious exemption.  
  • Be eligible for a temporary delay in vaccination.   

Within 60-days of issuance of the QSO, on March 15, 2022, 100% of staff must: 

  • Receive the necessary doses to complete the primary vaccine series.  
  • Be granted a medical or religious exemption.  
  • Be eligible for a temporary delay in vaccination.  

Within 90-days of issuance of the QSO, all of the required elements of the IFR must be implemented.  


The provider must: 

  • Have a process for staff to request a medical or religious exemption.  
  • The process for exemptions must include who the employee should request the exemption from.  
  • Have a process for collecting and reviewing medical or religious exemptions.  
Medical Exemptions: 
  • Must include the clinical contraindications for the medical exemption.  The Interpretive Guidance under F888 states that the CDC recognizes allergies and certain medical conditions as clinical contraindications for vaccination.  
  • Must include which vaccinations the employee is contraindicated to receive.  
  • Must include a statement from the medical provider that the employee should be exempt from the facility’s COVID-19 vaccination requirements for staff based on the recognized clinical contraindications.  
  • The medical provider must be practicing within their Scope of Practice and the medical provider cannot be the person requesting the medical exemption.  

Religious Exemptions:  

Temporary Delay in Vaccination: 

Employees may meet criteria for a temporary delay in vaccination.  The interpretive guidance recognizes the following reasons for a temporary delay in vaccination. 

  • Received Monoclonal Antibodies 
  • Received Convalescent Plasma  
  • Has active COVID-19 infection 

The provider must implement additional mitigation measures for employees that request and/or are granted exemptions as well as those that have a temporary delay in vaccination.  These mitigation measures are included in the interpretive guidance (but additional mitigation measures could be identified in the policy and procedure).  

Reassigning staff:  

  • To non-patient care areas 
  • To duties that can be performed remotely 
  • To duties that limit exposure to the most at-risk population including residents who are immunocompromised and/or unvaccinated.  

Requiring staff to utilize additional PPE when the provider is located in an area with low to moderate community transmission such as: 

  • Eye protection at all times 
  • Use of an N95, equivalent or higher-level respirator for source control, regardless of whether they are providing direct care or otherwise interacting with residents.  

Requiring staff to adhere to physical distancing even if located in an area with low to moderate community transmission.  

Requiring at least weekly testing regardless of whether the facility is in a county with low to moderate community transmission.  

Consulting with local or state public health for additional mitigation measures to reduce the risk of transmission.  

For religious exemptions surveyors are only to review the providers process for exemptions and are not to evaluate the details of the request for exemption, nor the rationale the provider used to accept or deny the request.  

Tracking and Documentation: 

NHSN has a spreadsheet template that could be used for tracking if members would like to.  

The provider must develop a process for tracking and securely documenting staff vaccination status.  The vaccination status of each staff member should include: 

  • Identify each staff’s role, assigned work area, and how they interact with residents.  
  • Identification of staff that are teleworkers and roles.  
  • Identification of contractor, volunteer, and/or student designation.  
  • The name of the vaccine the staff member received.  
  • Dates of vaccination. If the staff member has not yet received both primary doses in an mRNA series, include the date the staff member is scheduled to receive the second dose.  
  • Booster dose status, including the name of the vaccine and the date administered.  
  • Whether they’ve requested or been granted a medical or religious exemption (including what type of exemption they’ve requested or been granted). 
  • Temporary delays in vaccination, including why they have a temporary delay and dates they are eligible for vaccination. 
  •  What additional mitigation measures the staff member will have based on any exemptions or temporary delays in vaccination.  

Providers are able to determine what tracking tool they use, however, the tracking tool must be provided to Surveyors upon request.  

Contingency Plans:  

Providers are required to have contingency plans for staff that are not fully vaccinated.  Contingency plans should include actions that the providers will take when staff have indicated they will not get vaccinated and do not qualify for an exemption.  

Providers should prioritize contingency plans as follows: 

Staff that have obtained no doses of any vaccine over staff that have received a single dose of a multi-dose vaccine.  For example, this could include a deadline that staff must receive the second dose.  

The contingency plan should include the actions that the provider will take if the deadline is not met. This could include but is not limited to:  

  • Advertising for a replacement of the staff member. 
  • Obtaining vaccinated temporary staff members until permanent replacements can be found.  

Surveying for Compliance:  

Surveying for compliance will begin 30-days after the release of the QSO.  

30 to 59 days after release surveyors will review:  

  • The policy and procedure is developed and implemented, including all required components of the policy and procedure.  
  • 100% of staff have received at least one dose of the vaccine, have a pending request for or been granted an exemption, or have a temporary delay in vaccination.  
  • If less than 100% of all staff are identified as meeting the requirements the provider will be considered non-compliant.  
  • If the provider has greater than 80% and has a plan to achieve 100% within 90 days from the release of the QSO, the provider would not be subject to enforcement action.  
  • If the surveyors determine that the provider has greater than 80% vaccination, however, a threat is identified to the resident’s health and safety, the surveyors are encouraged to work with CMS regional office to determine if enforcement action is necessary depending on the severity of the deficiency and the type of provider.  

60 to 89 days after release surveyors will review: 

  • The policy and procedure is developed and implemented.  
  • 100% of staff have received all the necessary doses to complete the vaccine series, have been granted an exemption, or a temporary delay in vaccination is indicated.  
  • Less than 100% of staff meeting the above criteria would be considered non-compliant.  
  • If the provider has greater than 90% and has a plan to achieve 100% compliance within 90 days of release of the QSO, the provider would not be subject to enforcement action.  
  • If the surveyors determine that the provider has greater than 90% vaccination, however, a threat is identified to the resident’s health and safety, the surveyors are encouraged to work with CMS regional office to determine if enforcement action is necessary depending on the severity of the deficiency and the type of provider.  

90+ days after release providers must have 100% vaccination rates to not be subject to enforcement action.  

CMS will release a revised Infection Prevention, Control and Immunization Critical Element Pathway that will include instructions for surveying compliance related to F888.  In addition, CMS will provide a Staff Vaccination Matrix that must be completed to determine the percentage of vaccinated staff.  

Surveyors will review the providers NHSN reporting data from the CMS website prior to entrance into the building.  Compliance will be reviewed for all recertification, FIC and complaint surveys.   

Upon entrance, surveyors will request the policy and procedure on staff COVID-19 vaccinations, the number of positive cases in the last 4-weeks, and a list of all staff and their vaccination status (which may be completed on the matrix). The list of staff should include the position or role of each staff member and who is likely to be in contact with residents or other staff, regardless of frequency.  

NHSN Reporting vs. Actual Staff Vaccination Percentages: 

Surveyors will compare the NHSN reporting percentages that were noted in off-site prep to the providers actual staff vaccination percentages. Providers are expected to be reasonably consistent with the actual staff vaccination percentages compared to what is reported in NHSN.  Surveyors should be aware of the lag time in the NHSN posted data compared to real-time percentages.  

  • If the percentages are reasonably consistent (within 10% of each other) no further investigation is warranted.  
  • If the percentages are not reasonably consistent the surveyor should investigate to determine the reason for the inconsistency. This is conducted by reviewing the providers documentation and interviewing staff that are responsible for reporting to NHSN to determine which source is incorrect.  
  • If the surveyor determines that the information presented to the surveyor is incorrect (NHSN is correct), or both sources are incorrect, this likely demonstrates the facility’s failure to have a process for tracking and documenting the COVID-19 status for all staff and F888 should be cited.  
  • If the surveyor determines that the information reported to NHSN is incorrect (onsite information is correct) the surveyor should instruct the facility to immediately correct the information in the NHSN system.  If the surveyor identifies that a data field is blank, instruct the facility to obtain additional information on submitting data to NHSN.  

Scope and Severity (See Also Table 1 within the QSO Memo):  

The scope and severity will be determined based on the information collected during survey including the percentage of staff vaccinated, the number of positive cases identified in the last 4 weeks, the degree of harm to the residents that have tested positive, and development and implementation of the policies and procedures.  Scope and Severity ranges from C to L (note A and B are not included as options based on the potential to be wide-spread when the provider is not meeting requirements in the “No actual harm, but potential for minimal harm” category.  


  • Met the requirements for staff vaccination (100%) and 
  • 1 or more components of the policy and procedure were not developed or implemented.  
  • Has the possibility to effect all residents, which is why F888 would be cited in this circumstance.  

No Actual Harm with potential for more than minimal harm: 

  • Did not meet the requirements of staff vaccination; and 
  • No resident outbreaks


  • Did not meet the requirements of staff vaccination; and 
  • 1 or more components of the policies and procedures were not developed and implemented.  

D: Staff vaccination percentages between 76-99% 

E: Staff vaccination percentages between 61-75% 

F: Staff vaccination percentages between 0-60% 

Actual Harm that is not an IJ: 

  • Did not meet the requirements of staff vaccination; and 
  • 3 or more resident infections in the last 4 weeks which did not result in hospitalization or death, or the likelihood for IJ for one or more residents; and  
  • 1 or more components of the policies and procedures were not developed and implemented.  

G: Staff vaccination percentages between 76-99% 

H: Staff vaccination percentages between 61-75% 

I: Staff vaccination percentages between 0-60% 

Immediate Jeopardy:  

Noncompliance resulting in serious harm or death:  

  • Did not meet the requirements of staff vaccination or have no policies and procedures developed or implemented and 
  • 3 or more resident infections in the last 4 weeks resulting in at least one resident experiencing hospitalizations or death. 


Noncompliance resulting in a likelihood for serious harm or death:  

  • Did not meet the requirements of staff vaccinated; and  
  • 3 or more resident infections in the last 4 weeks that did not result in serious harm or death; and 
  • One of the following: 
  • Any observations of noncompliant infection control practices by staff (such as failing to properly don PPE) or 

  • 1 or more components of the policies and procedures to ensure staff vaccination were not developed or implemented.  


  • More than 40% of staff are unvaccinated and there is evidence of a lack of effort to increase staff vaccination rates.  

J: Staff vaccination percentages between 76-99% 

K: Staff vaccination percentages between 61-75% 

L: Staff vaccination percentages between 0-60% 

Plan of Correction:  

To qualify for substantial compliance and clear the citation: 

  • The facility has met the requirement of staff vaccination by staff obtaining additional doses or replacing unvaccinated staff with vaccinated staff, or  
  • The combined number of staff that are vaccinated or have at least one dose of a multiple vaccine series and have their second dose scheduled.  

To qualify for substantial compliance but the citation remains:  

  • Has not met the requirement of staff vaccinated but has provided evidence that some of the unvaccinated staff have obtained their first dose, and  
  • Other unvaccinated staff are scheduled for their first dose.  

Components of a Plan of Correction and/or actions to remove an IJ:  

  • Correcting any gaps in the policies and procedures.  
  • Implementation of the contingency plan, that should include a deadline for each unvaccinated staff to have received their first dose of a vaccine.  
  • Implementation of additional precautions to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 by unvaccinated staff.  

Good Faith Efforts: 

Surveyors and CMS may lower the scope and severity of a citation and/or enforcement action if they identify that any of the following have occurred prior to the survey.  Note that noncompliance is still cited, only the scope, severity, and/or enforcement is adjusted.  

  • If the facility has no or has limited access to the vaccine and has documented attempts to obtain vaccinate access.  
  • If the facility provides evidence that they have taken aggressive steps to have all staff vaccinated such as advertising for new staff, hosting vaccine clinics, etc.  

LAI is developing a spreadsheet that can be emailed to providers to verify accuracy with NHSN reporting.