This is the second part of the twelve-part virtual Regulation Summation series.
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February 28, 2024 at 1:30-2:30 p.m.: Abuse While there are only seven regulations in the freedom from abuse, neglect, and exploitation subsection of Appendix PP, they contain a vast amount of information. This information is vital to ensuring the nursing home’s policies and procedures related to abuse including all of the required elements, as well as providing notice to covered individuals and thoroughly investigating all allegations of potential abuse.
- Identify the requirements for nursing home abuse policies and procedures.
- Define different types of abuse that may occur including physical, mental, neglect, and exploitation.
- Determine who the term “covered individuals” includes and annual notifications that must be provided to them.
Intended Audience: Administrators, social services, department leaders, and nurses.
Click here for a printer friendly PDF of the event.